University of Chicago

Online Editions
Resource Center

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are UCSMP Online Student Editions available for download or offline use?

A: Students using a web browser must be on an active internet connection. On a tablet or smartphone, the mobile app retains recently viewed lessons or chapters in order to reduce data plan usage. Students thus have limited offline access on these devices.

Q: What happens to subscriptions that aren’t activated?

A: Like unused textbooks, subscriptions that are not activated are available to you at anytime should new students join your class.

Q: I activated too many subscriptions. Can I deactivate them?

A: This capability is in development and should be available in early 2017. Until then, we recommend forwarding the extra accounts to a colleague teaching the same class. If that’s not a practical option then treat the unused student accounts like any valuable online account data and keep the information in a safe location.

Q: Enrollment has increased and we are out of subscriptions. What are our options?

A: Your school will need to purchase additional online subscriptions using the same process as your previous order. Online Student Edition subscriptions cannot be purchased through

Q: Is there any remedy if a student loses their account information?

A: If the student hasn’t opened their account yet we can provide a new student account in about 24 hours. If the student account is live we will need your assistance to determine the student’s account information as we do not collect any student’s personal information. We suggest distributing student accounts in alphabetical order so you can quickly identify the relevant account.